Rules in the Gym

We ask all our Gymnasts and Wee Springers to adhere to a set of rules, including a dress code to ensure your child has the best possible experience.  

Booking Process

Many of our classes are busy and so it's always best to check with the Gymnastics coaching team for availability by emailing This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  In order to book your child in to class you will need a Live Active Leisure Card which should be given to reception each time you come to class.  Gymnastics staff will ask you to provide your child’s name, date of birth and address, emergency contact information and any medical details we may need to know. 

Our Gymnastics sessions are paid for by the term and in advance of the first class, this ensures your child’s place in the class and that you have priority rebooking each term.  If there are no places available, your child’s name will be added on to our waiting list and you will be contacted as soon as a space becomes available.

Rebooking process

Children that are participating in our classes are given a priority period in order to rebook for each term.  Parents will receive an email notifying you of the 3-week rebooking period, how much the term costs and details of how you can pay.  Once you have paid for the next term, you have secured the place for your child and nothing else needs to be done.  It’s as easy as that.  Please make sure we have your most up-to-date email, so you don’t miss the information!  For those who miss the 3-week priority period, your child will go onto our priority waiting list. 

Waiting list

As our classes are extremely popular, it is necessary to operate a waiting list. Our process is as follows:

  • Check with facility for information on availability.
  • If there are no available places – please complete our Waiting List Application Form.
  • Your child’s name will be added on to our waiting list, once a place has become available our dedicated gymnastics coaching team will contact you to offer a place.
  • Please confirm if you want the place by returning the email/phone call and/or by paying at reception of your venue within the stated time frame.



What do gymnasts need to wear?

Participants need to be in clothes they can comfortably move around in and that is appropriate for the activities they are participating in.  Our dress code can be found here     Gymnasts who turn up to class in inappropriate attire will not be permitted to the class.  This is for the protection of the children and our coaches. 

What types of skills do the participants learn?

All participants are given the opportunity to learn new skills and progress at their own rate. The sessions consist of warm up and stretch, group or partner activities followed by 3 rotations using different pieces of apparatus. Each session progresses on from the week before, so gymnasts are always given the opportunity to develop their skills. Children will be able to learn a basic forward roll right up to back flips and somersaults where able.

What types of equipment do you have?

We have gymnastics sessions in three of our facilities throughout Perth & Kinross with each offering various types of equipment. Our Wee Springer classes at Bell’s Sports Centre use the fantastic Pre-School Gym-Time kit along with some pieces of our Gymnastics apparatus. Gymnasts can use Beam, Vaults, Trampette, Bars and Floor with Rings, Mushroom and P-Bars also featuring in our boys’ classes and of course the use of our very fun Air Floors and Air Track!  

What do participants need to bring with them to the classes?

It is essential that gymnasts bring a drink of still water or diluting juice with them. Children should also bring any medication, such as inhalers that they may need during the class and remember their Live Active Leisure Card to be scanned when entering the facility. 

Can parents watch?

Unfortunately, due to lack of space we are unable to have parents in the gym on a weekly basis however, on the last session of term parents are welcomed to come into the gym and watch the class.  From April 2022 parents of our Bell’s Sports Centre classes will be able to watch from our seating units in the main arena. 

We have a Live Active Leisure Gymnastics Facebook Group in which videos and photos of the week’s sessions are regularly posted which allows parents the ability to see what the gymnasts have been learning.  

Do classes run in school holidays?

Holidays = Holiday camps! Each holiday period we run our awesome holiday camp programme which are fantastic fun and a great way for new participants to try gymnastics. Camps include everything from Gymnastics, Trampolining, Tumble, Nerf Battle and our very popular Mini Ninja Warrior!

Do gymnasts enter competitions or take part in events?

Live Active Gymnasts are invited to participate in two competitions per year as well as taking part in the Bi-annual Gymnastics Showcase which allows the gymnasts to perform in a non-competitive display event.  Live Active Leisure organise the local Schools Competition which a number of our gymnasts take part in. 


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